Category: Uncategorized

Hi, I’m Mom on the Run….

I’m adding this weight loss ticker here in the hopes that it acts as a motivation for me to exercise more often. With diet (another post needed for this topic) and exercise, I would like to get to my goal…

Birthday Party Dilemmas

We used to do at-home parties for friends and family–parties were too big and caused problems for birthday child. By the time each child was 5, we moved on to doing two parties, one for friends and one for family–it…

Eight Facts About Me…

So the mrs. tagged me in a post… Here are the rules: 1. Each player starts with eight random fact/habits about themselves. 2. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post…

5 Years Old and Shows It

My son is 5 and, boy, is he giving me a run for my money. He is a burping, talking back, argumentative, defiant ball of 5-year-old “ness.” He started kindergarten in late August. All was well for the first week.…