Category: Musings on Reviews

Winners and Stuff [Giveaway]

I’m catching up from the end-of-the-school year mayhem and madness. School is out. I can breathe easier as our summer schedule is a little less hectic than the school year. I have time for giveaways. If you entered a giveaway…

Bnter-ing with Friends

Do you ever tweet something funny or crazy or ridiculous and think “I wish I could keep a record”? I know I do. In fact I’m a much more consistent tweeter than blogger. Why is this? I think primarily the…

Reading on the Move

The books are piled. Piled high. Beside the couch. Near the bookcase. In the bedrooms. Mostly on bookshelves. What am I going to do with all these books? I move books all the time. My Teen’s books move from my…