Category: Musings on Reviews

Oh! Nuts Company: Review

A little while ago I received an e-mail from the Oh! Nuts company — . I was asked if I wanted to review several different types of nuts. The Oh! Nuts Company is a family-run business with ties to…

Hop on Over to the

So, in the last month or so I have been wondering how do I get more traffic to my blog. I have been commenting on other people’s blogs, writing posts over here, hosting giveaways, and doing reviews. On my travels…

Mom on the Run Chronicles

Ta Da…this blog has a new name. Introducing: Mom on the Run Chronicles I have thought for a while that Writing My Life One Blog at a Time is just too long for a blog title. It summed up what…

Mo Willems Rocks

Knuffle Bunny? Ever heard of it. No neither had I until I saw the book on a rack at Borders. Cover was eye-catching as it was a city street with a cartoonish boy and his dad walking along the street.…