Category: Musings on Me

TypeAMom Wrapup

Three weeks ago I wasn’t sure I was going to Asheville. I had my registration squared away, but travel and hotel seemed an insurmountable obstacle. Enter my good friend, Janine. Janine reached out to me and asked me to travel down…

I’m Going to TypeAMom!

I started writing for TypeAMom almost a year ago. In fact here’s one of my first articles on homework. Almost a year later I am now the Preteens Editor at TypeAMom. I write from the experience of surviving one preteen and…


I heard about this site where you can post reviews of your favorite vacation spots. The site is dedicated to offering parents the inside scoop on family hotels and resorts. Family_Vacation_Critic is packed with reviews of family-friendly hotels and destinations, with…

JuiceBox Has Some Tasty Ads

You’ve got to check out my sidebar. JuiceBoxJungle has a brand new widget that lets you, among other things, send an ecard to a friend right from this blog (click around and check it out). They also have a cool…

Catholic School Education

When I think of Catholic school, the following images from my childhood come to mind: school uniforms from Henry Barrie in Manchester’s St. Anne’s Square getting slapped on the back of the legs by Mrs. McDonald in 4th grade (or…

SAHM Going Back to Work

I had my first child in 1996. From 96 through 2002 I was a freelance production editor for a health care publisher — the term WAHM had not been invented yet! Some weeks I was full time, other weeks part time.…