As a kid going swimming meant hopping in the car, driving to the local indoor swim center in my British hometown with my dad and sister. My mother usually stayed home on those Sundays to cook the Sunday roast beef…
Category: Children
Graduation Wisdom For Life #Graduation #Wisdom #Sponsored
Disclosure: I was compensated to write this post by The Wisdom of Merlin: 7 Magical Words for a Meaningful Life by T.A. Barron through Crackerjack Marketing. The views expressed in the post are my own. I never graduated from high school.…
Conquer Bedwetting with @Pampers UnderJams #ConquerBedWetting at @Walmart
Move from Baby to Toddler I changed a diaper once. Babysat one time. Gave a baby a bottle just once. This was the sum total of my “baby” experience before I had my first baby. I had never fed a baby. Or potty…
Spongebob Birthday Party Ideas
Get out the magic conch! Birthday Express has everything you need to throw a SpongeBob Birthday Party! They have so many great SpongeBob birthday decorations that your only challenge will be deciding on which ones to use! Here are a…
Musings on Little Ones: Toddlers, Preschoolers, and Blue’s Clues
Images courtesy of Blue’s Clues was my daughter’s first TV show. For my daughter’s first year, she watched no TV. Not surprising since how many infants watch TV, right? But there was one person in the house watching TV.…
BODYARMOR SuperDrink: An All-Natural Sports Drink for Kids and Athletes
I hate getting sick. Touch wood…reaches for wooden desk and taps vigorously…I rarely get sick. I get a flu shot each year without fail. In fact, I haven’t missed a flu shot since the flu shot shortage of 2004 or so.…
The Spongebob Movie: In Theaters Now!
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants! Absorbent and yellow and porous is he. Spongebob Squarepants! My kids missed the Spongebob Squarepants phase. How did this even happen? I don’t know how they missed this phase, but…
Gift Guide: Boxtrolls Released on DVD and Bluray! #seizingfamilytime
Every so often I’m drawn to a movie. Can’t stop thinking about it. At first I can’t explain why. Why am I so obsessed with this movie? Why? I think about the movie. See the movie poster. Read a brief…
New from Disney: 2015 Disney Movie Releases! #Disney #movies #FamilyMovieNight
Whenever I think of Disney movies,my first thought is always the Wonderful World of Disney. I watched the Wonderful World of Disney on TV as a child. We only had a black and white TV back then so I didn’t…
Teaching Teens Personal Finance: Attention Must be Paid
Disclosure: I was compensated for writing this post. The views expressed in this post are my own. When our college freshman was in elementary school, she decided she wanted to start her own cosmetics company. Alas, that venture never got off…