Category: Family

Parenting Fail

Lately in my tweets and posts, I use the term “Fail” — to describe an unwanted outcome. On twitter I have started my own hashtag #domesticgoddessfail to describe my own feeble attempts at housekeeping and cooking. Believe there will always…

Wednesdays R Us: SledMom

This may or may not be me hurtling down a slope face first on a foam sled. Submitted to Wordless Wednesday, 5 minutes for Mom, The Not-So-Blog Blog, Punky Monkey’s, Wordful Wednesday, Go Graham Go, Moomette’s Mama Mentor Blog, All…

Talk About Tuesday

Let’s talk about my minivan for a moment shall we? The van is much more than a vehicle. Much more than a means of transportation. It is our home on wheels — a family room on wheels if you will.…

Just Not in the Mood

I was going to write a funny post about wearing yet another purple Winnie the Pooh sweatshirt to the health club, but I just don’t feel like it. About 4 or 5(?) years ago I heard about a young boy…