As a mom, I have the final say on my my girls wear. Period. I let the tween and teen have some say on their clothes, but the bucks stops with me. My tween and teen can choose their own…
Author: Jill Berry
Seizing family time one at a time.
Old Navy Coupons Up for Grabs!!
I last shopped in Old Navy a few years ago. I’ll be honest I don’t do a lot of clothes shopping for myself or the kids. I’m comfy in my mom-wardrobe of workout pants, t-shirts, and sneakers. My kids are…
Fun Event on the Horizon
Tuesday was a mad rush from double orthodontic appointments necessitating a pickup and dropoff at school to a stop of at the hair salon for a waxing to a multitude of phone calls and work projects. I was ready for…
Can You See the D.C. Monuments in One Day?
Many of you know I live near to Washington, D.C. Over the years I have explored D.C. with and without kids. I am now writing for Oyster Local Blogs as the D.C. Locals Correspondent. Come check out my tips for…
Trot over to Maryland
What question perplexes me most on forms and questionnaires? The question I find most difficult to answer is what major city do I live closest to? As a child through my pre-children years, I would have had several answers: 0-4…
Why I Want To Go To TypeAMom ’10
I missed my chance to enter a giveaway to win a ticket to #typeamom. Why? I have no idea. I probably opened the tab for the giveaway. Left the tab open until the computer crashed and then forgot about it.…
TypeAMom Conference ’10…Tickets Are Selling Out Fast!
TypeAMom Conference is a small — 200 plus gathering of new bloggers, experienced bloggers, brands, and PR people At the time I attended TypeAMom last year I had never attended a blogging conference. I was not entirely sure what attending…
Once-in-a-Lifetime Experiences: Feeding Dolphins #OrlandoMom
My younger two children are animal mad. My younger daughter would regularly cradle our friend’s cat as though she was carrying a baby. At 18 months old, she carried a cat that was almost as big as her. My son…
Wondering about InBoxDollars?
My rule of thumb. NEVER pay anyone any money for anything on the internet. Period. All of the “Buy this book and you will earn $1000 per month” offers are ridiculous. You shouldn’t spend money to earn money! I do…
U by Kotex…Shhh
Were you embarrassed the first time you had to purchase…you know…those products? Did you insist that your mom bought them for you? I know I was mortified at the thought of buying Kotex products by myself. Now, I don’t mind…