The other day I tossed a stack of shrink wrapped phone books in the recycling bin. When was the last time I used a phone book, anyway? 2000? Phonebooks are old school. Are guidebooks a thing of the past, too?…
Author: Jill Berry
Seizing family time one at a time.
Bra-lliant Idea
For years I wore bras that fit…I even had a proper sports bra. For years I wore maternity or nursing bras…let’s not get too specific about the actual span of years I wore these bras, shall we?! For a few…
Sonicare…Now for Kids
My daughter started the Sonicare trend in our house. She got braces. We wanted to give her the best shot at remaining cavity free after braces. Can you imagine how maddening it would be to put money (dental insurance pays…
Was My Tween “Fooled” by Sugar Free Ring Pops or Not?
Years ago we had one of those dentist visits where my heart was in my throat. You know the ones. We learned that our 4-year-old had a cavity. I was shocked. She brushed her teeth twice a day under supervision.…
Hi! I’m Musings from Me and I Am a Reality TV Addict
Time waster? Who me? Would I search about on the internet to solve a question that has bothered me for weeks? You know troll about twitter…check out wikipedia…search on imdb. Why? To find the identity of an obscure reality TV…
Swim Mom: Have Goggles Will Travel
I spotted a post over at Volunteer Spot on swim moms written by Holly Robb, the founder of the National Association of Swim Moms. Holly listed 5 Swim Team Musts. As I read through the list I knew that I…
Jennifer Ashton, MD: Not Your Mother’s Gyno
I am not a reporter, but I sometimes get to pretend to be one. My tween and teen were invited to the National Tween Summit in D.C. in October. I tagged along with them. While they participated in a very…
Who Am I and What Am I Doing Here?
I’m new enough to blogging and social media that readers might stumble upon my blog and not know who I am. Want to find me somewhere other than this blog? Facebook? Even this blog has a Facebook page! Twitter! Let’s…
Adding a Little Flavor to My Day…or Evening.
I should not complain. I really shouldn’t. I survived infancy, babyhood, toddler mayhem, the threes(!), and preschool days as a SAHM of three children. My three children are now in full-day school. No more crazy 2.5 hours of preschool to…
U Taste, We Donate Through Pringles Multigrain
As an English person at an American college, I was continually bombarded by unfamiliar food. Pop Tarts. Bagels. Meatloaf. Pringles. My first taste of Pringles was a little like biting in to a wafer. I was used to English crisps…