My kids are 7, 11, and 14. Life chugs along. Some days are frantic. Some days are slow. Never dull. Always a challenge. My children still surprise me. Still frustrate me. Still inspire me to be the best mom/person that…
Author: Jill Berry
Seizing family time one at a time.
Meeting People Who Care About #OnlineSafety
This blogging gig is amazing. From the new friends to the review products to the relationships made with brands — everything is good. My fave part above everything else is attending events for causes near and dear to me. I…
Height Matters
Don’t let anyone tell you that height doesn’t matter. I’m 5’3″. Height matters. I have spent my life hitching up my pants. Wearing capris in the winter months as I don’t sew. Looking at the hems on pants and thinking…
Oyster Locals: Exploring Union Station
My latest Oyster Local blog post is up. This time I am exploring Union Station. Who knew there is so much to do at Union Station! ___ A few weekends ago, I rediscovered the wonder that is Union Station in…
My Two Cent’s Worth on Brands and Bloggers
I am a Brand Ambassador for GH Moms and The View. I am a Fishful Thinking Ambassador. I’m not a daytime TV watcher, so I had to remind myself to turn on the TV. I watch most shows late at…
Two Things for You…
A brief entry for tonight… Tired after driving kids hither, thither, and yon. Exhausted from swim team time trials. Invigorated from fab dinner with friends. You all know that I am passionate about online safety and I promote Yoursphere to…
On the Go: Try @Tales2Go [App of the Week]
Edited to add: Today ONLY!! You can get a FREE summer of @Tales2Go!! @momswithapp #AppFriday The doctor’s office…waiting for our name to be called. The car dealership…clockwatching until the repair was done. The supermarket…sitting not so patiently in the…
Today is a day. It will be a day and a half long before I go to bed. With three children in full-day school, you would think I would have plenty o’ time to get what I need done. Yes,…
Spreading the News about #Yoursphere and Code YSMC-0051 for FREE Sign Up
As many of you know I am passionate about keeping my kids safe offline AND online. As a young mom I safety proofed my house, used car safety seats until the kids were 8 years old, held hands when we…
@litl: Works for Web-Surfy Family of #mom #dad #kid #tween #teen
A week or two ago I attended a brand/blogger event sponsored Silicon Valley Moms Blog and numerous brands. It was truly a day of pampering, information, and community. The best kind of day, really! I had the unbelievable good fortune…