Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

Wednesdays Grab Bag

So, exactly where were we headed. North? South? End of driveway? Submitted to Wordless Wednesday, 5 minutes for Mom, The Not-So-Blog Blog, Punky Monkey’s, Wordful Wednesday, Go Graham Go, Moomette’s Mama Mentor Blog, All About Kimberly, Mom of 3 Girls,…

IHeartFaces — Wonder of Kids

This photograph speaks for itself… Be sure to head on over to to check out all of the beautiful face entries this week!” UPDATE: Ooops! I reread requirements and well, this is obviously not black and white. I’ll try…

Table Talk Tuesday

It doesn’t look as though Christy is doing her Table Talk Tuesday, but…. Dinnertime at our house is either a relaxed, leisurely meal, with hopefully all kids eating OR a mad dash, free-for-all, slurpin’ soup, crammin’ food in mouth, race…