Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

Having a Day…

Having a day where I… Tried to focus on getting kids ready for school by not checking e-mail before everyone left for school — but still forgot my son’s library book since it is media today and forget to remind…

Weight Watchers

I posted this over at Here’s my problem in a nutshell… I had a doctor’s appointment for a laundry list of complaints. Honestly, at one point the doctor said I would need to make another appointment to discuss all…

Yoursphere and TypeAMom and Me

I have a few irons in the fire at the moment: As a Mom Advocate I have been “getting the word out” about the internet site that puts safety first for kids 9 through 18. When not posting flyers…

Just Not in the Mood

I was going to write a funny post about wearing yet another purple Winnie the Pooh sweatshirt to the health club, but I just don’t feel like it. About 4 or 5(?) years ago I heard about a young boy…

My Worst Fear…Mice!

I am afraid of mice. There I said it! Not Mickey, but all other slithery, mouse-like creatures. Did you know that mice can squeeze their bodies through the tiniest cracks and openings? Here’s the thing I live in a semirural…