Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

Musings on Thanksgiving

As a former foreigner, I now claim Thanksgiving as a my holiday. As a child Thanksgiving was celebrated intermittently. When in America, do as the Americans do. As a freshman in college, far away from home I was taken in…


Today is a day I am thankful for my husband. He doesn’t really understand what I do, but he supports me. He doesn’t blink at the boxes coming in to our house. He doesn’t ask why none of the boxes contain…

Worst Thanksgiving?

JuiceBoxJungle reminded me that all Thanksgivings are not created equal, or happy. The worst Thanksgiving I ever spent was… My first in the U.S. as a college student. I had celebrated Thanksgiving off and on as a child whenever we…

Black Friday and Me

I have a checkered past with Black Friday. I love it and hate it at the same time. The love is the deals. The hate is getting up early and braving the DC Metro traffic and the crowds!   Did I mention…