Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

A Movie Starring Me?!?!

Ever ponder the question: If a movie was made about my life, who would play me? I have pondered it, but never get to the part where I decide who will play me. I’m too honest and modest to choose…

The View Is Must Watch This Week!

Last week’s The View went from the poignant — the episode about infertility problems — to the ridiculous — the spectacle of Octomom and her laugh. This week The View will host some exciting guests that are sure to generate…

Blogging Conferences

If you had asked me in 2008 what a blog was…or a blogging conference…or a blogger, I would have looked at you with a blank stare. Now don’t get me wrong I was computer and internet savvy back then. But,…