I posted over at OurBlubherOverhaul about my weight loss journey. Well, I actually haven’t lost anything as yet. I am talking the talk by exercising, but I am not walking the walk by eating less. In fact I have been…
Author: Jill Berry
Seizing family time one dinner...game night...movie at a time.
In Defense of the SAHM
I have found myself defending my at-home status. I have been at home with children since early 1996. In the early days I was a freelance production editor for a health care publisher. I was able to work around my…
Trying to be a good Catholic parent and other musings from me
NaBloPoMo is over. I posted all but one day of November. I tried to use the schedule feature to post, but lost track of days. A valiant effort. I will say one thing…I plan on keeping up the pattern of…
Reuniting Old Friends with a wii
I have spent the last month or so making connections over the web, joining Facebook, starting a blog, twittering…basically spreading myself around the internet. If I am honest with myself I am not doing just such a great job keeping…
Black Friday or Why I Felt the Need to Brave the Crowds on the Busiest Day of the Year
Black Friday is a word that strikes energy and excitement in many diehard shoppers. I have heard families planning their shopping strategy on Black Friday with the precision of a military strike. I am not one of those people. I…
Love Thursday — Happy Thanksgiving!
This is a quick one tonight. I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. We are just finishing up our evening at my parent’s house. We started out at my in laws for lunch. Two huge meals in one day.…
Wordless Wednesday — Timeout Step
My son is beginning to read. We have labeled many items in the house, including the timeout step. Sad, but true.
Twilight and a Limo: A 12-Year-Old’s Dream Night Out
So, last night was the Great Limo and Movie Night. To back up a bit, I should explain that crafty daughter is a 12-year-old reading whiz. She literally reads books in one sitting, often reading several books at once. She…
One Word Answers
One Word Answers…what could be easier… I found this on Mama on a Playdate. I’m changing the rules slightly. If you want to play, do a post on your blog. Let me know in the comment section that you answered…
A New Way for Kids To Interact Online: Yoursphere
About 3 weeks ago I found a banner ad for Yoursphere. I clicked on it and was immediately intrigued. Yoursphere is a new place for kids to meet online — a safe place without predators. I have 10-year-old and 12-year-old…