Trying to be a good Catholic parent and other musings from me

NaBloPoMo is over. I posted all but one day of November. I tried to use the schedule feature to post, but lost track of days. A valiant effort. I will say one thing…I plan on keeping up the pattern of posting every day. Before November I was a “twice-a-week poster.” I would have plans to be more regular, but lose track of when I last posted.

I don’t have much to post, so I will give you a few highlights of the last few days:

– Friday we met old friends at a Mexican restaurant — my parents offered babysitting and we jumped at the chance to go out. My parents offered to have all three children spend the night…a very generous offer. With our children’s sports, school/homework, and music lessons our weekends are very scheduled, so we don’t go out to eat very often at all.

– In a remarkable twist of good luck, we also went out on Saturday night. Our friends — who we had not seen in over two years — invited our family over for pizza. Never one to turn down a pizza we jumped at the chance to get together. The kids played wii, while the adults swapped stories of what everyone had been up to over the past two years.

– The Mom on the Run FastfooD Ban is still going. Today on the way to Mass after back-to-back volleyball practices. My daughter pleaded with me to stop for something to eat. I told her she must wait until dinner. She wasn’t happy, but ate a good dinner when we got home.

– We actually went to Mass. I have felt like the worst Catholic mother for not getting my children to mass. We always seem to have an excuse for not going: too busy for Saturday night, too sleepy for Sunday morning, too tired for Sunday night. No excuses…I need to do a better job of getting my children to Mass.

– My 5 year old has been talking about God lately. Not sure why, but I think he is curious…What does God look like? Does God have a brother? I come from a “we go to Mass, but don’t discuss religion” type of family. See previous entry about going to Mass…now I feel even more guilt-ridden. So to alleviate my guilt I agreed to my 5-year-old’s request that we start saying grace at mealtimes. He is a cutie. Last year he attended a church-based preschool. Since starting kindergarten at a public school, I think he is nostalgic for his old school and routine. He might just be the one member of my family to get us back on the road to practicing our religion…out of the mouths’ of babes.

– All three children have completed their Christmas lists — very early for us. Santa is planning to stop by the Health Club for a visit. I will take my younger two after swim practice.

– On Saturday afternoon after dropping off my oldest at the bowling alley for a birthday party, we took the younger two to the health club. I exercised while my husband played in the pool with Sporty Daughter and Adventure Boy. I welcomed the exercise after the excesses of Turkey Day.

So, a good few days for the Mom on the Run family. A couple of photos from our Turkey Day.

Here’s my son at the Thanksgiving table. “Come on folks, let’s eat!”

Here’s me… I have a question for you. Why does my husband insist on taking photos of me asleep?!?

My daughter was glued to her DS the entire time we were at my in-laws…I never noticed as she was so quiet. I confiscated the DS when we were at my mother’s house.

My oldest daughter in full throttle catalog perusal mode. She was desperate to go Black Friday shopping with me, but I had some “secret shopping” to do.

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