Tag: organization

The Finder of Lost Stuff

One of our family mottos is nothing is every lost…missing permanently…but never lost forever. I AM the finder of lost stuff. I usually find whatever it is that is missing in a place where someone (usually me) stashed it for…

How To Do Laundry

I’m disorganized. I identify more with clutterers and hoarders than neatniks and Harriet Homemakers, but I love a clean room. BUT don’t love cleaning. AT. ALL. A room piled to the rafters with stuff gives me anxiety. I get twitchy when…

Reminiscing About a Tartan Holdall

As a little kid, we traveled five or more times a year. Some trips were short to moderate car rides. Other trips were transatlantic flights. There was one constant on all our family trips. My mother’s tartan holdall. The bag…