I let snow, snow days, kids off school, shoveling, snow blowing, get in the way of picking my winner for the fabulous Joy Berry Book sets. I apologize. It won’t happen again. Do you forgive me? Say yes? Oh, goo!…
Men’s Waveceptor Watch: Giveaway!
As a kid, my dad’s watch seemed enormous. Clunky. With a heavy linked chain. Every so often he got a new watch. One watch fascinated me as it was water-resistant. He purchased the watch from Switzerland in the late 70s/early…
The View: What’s on Tap and a Giveaway!
Today for the first time I watched The View live. I’m a DVR watcher. While I like watching live, I like the flexibility of rewinding and fast forwarding to favorite parts of the show. Tonight you know I will fast…
Sonny Is Not My Favorite GH Character…There I Said It!
Is it because I have a good sense of right and wrong? Is it because I loathe people who get away with murder (literally) over and over again? Is it because I take General Hospital too seriously? Probably, all of…
Prunes! Yes, Prunes Were a Hit!
Prunes? I have no clear recollection of eating prunes as a child. Prunes were something that my grandmother might eat. I might have had prunes and custard as part of my school lunch at the Catholic convent school. At my school…
Prunes! Yes, Prunes Were a Hit!
jPrunes? I have no recollection of eating prunes as a child. I did eat prunes as an adult. The prunes in question were in a jar of baby food. Note the use of “a jar.” My daughter ate only one…