Have you ever written a comment on a blog or a message board and thought “This could be a post.” I. Do. This. All. the. Time. You know what is funny? When I actually sit down to write a post…
Category: Moms
All things for moms all the time
Review: Nerf-n-Strike Elite Bundle
It was a direct hit. I aimed. I fired. I nailed my target. My target? My then-boyfriiend/now-husband. The location of the hit? The toy aisle at the Gaithersburg Square Toys R Us. My weapon of choice a Nerf Javelin. It…
Momster.com: Check It Out If You Are a Mom of Tweens or Teen
I thought I knew everything about social networks. Well, almost everything. O.K., O.K., I know a thing or two and that is it. Until one day on twitter when I saw a tweet about Momster.com. Momster.com…hmmm. I had never heard…
Cottonelle: Team Over or Team Under…Hmmm
Are you a roll the toilet paper under or roll the toliet paper over? Cottonelle needs to know… I am definitely a roll the paper over the roll. I have been known to fix a toilet roll at a friend’s…
Why I Am Not Going to Disney Social Media Moms Conference
It seemed so straightforward. The 5 of us would head to Disney for the Disney Social Media Moms Conference February 10-13. I would do the conference while Coach Dad took the kid, the preteen, and the teen around the parks. We…
Kim Crawford Wines Launches Artists’ Lounge
I don’t know about you but I love walking around an art gallery alone. Now don’t get me wrong, I treasure spending time with family and exposing my children to new experiences, but there are always the distractions of who needs…
Cervical Cancer: Pearls of Wisdom
Thank God cervical cancer has not hit my family — is all I can say. Cervical cancer is a brutal, unrelenting disease that strikes indiscriminately. Cervical cancer kills thousands of women in the U.S. each year. I participated in a conference…
Consumer Reports Knows
My husband is a Consumer Reports officionado. If he can’t find a review — a favorable review in Consumer Reports, then he is not buying the product. Period. The man is militant about CR. I’m a late-in-the-game follower, but realized the…
See Mom Run: An Interview with Beth Feldman
As an aspiring writer, I am utterly intrigued by anyone who writes a book. I post, I contribute, I write, I tweet, but as yet I am light years away from actually writing a book. So, I set out to find out…
Think Confident, Be Confident by Leslie Sokol and Marci Fox
If you think you are confident, you will be confident. This sounds so obvious, doesn’t it? But, why do we, as moms, have so many doubts about our selves, our work style, our parenting, and our interactions with friends? In…