Category: crafty daughter

Yoursphere and My Kids

My 13-year-old wants to be on the computer. All. the. time. Sounds like someone else in the family. Why yes, that would be me. She likes checking her e-mail. She likes going online. She has decided that Coach Dad’s laptop…

Middle School Drama

The Middle School Midnight Madness. Would you want to be in middle school again? Raging hormones. Spats. Infighting. Silly behavior. No, I didn’t think so. From my vantage point behind the dinner table I had a birds eye view of…

Boys Love Play Kitchens, Too!

I’m participating in Grace’s Kitchen over at If you write about kids, food, or kids and food –think about posting! When my son was around 2 we pulled out the old Little Tikes kitchen. His sister got this kitchen…

March Is National Reading Month

10-year-old reads Teen magazine on plane to Disney while 8-year-old looks over her shoulder. If you have kids, hop on over to to pledge how many minutes you will read to your child. I have one nonreader — I…

Live Blogging Bedtime

Round these parts we love our jammies so much…we even wear them outside! Considering live blogging bedtime. It would be interesting, no? A sociological experiment? A testament to how ornery my kids are? A glimpse in to my “putting-kids-to-bed” persona.…

Scary Phone Call

Kids were eating breakfast. Crafty Daughter was at school. I was checking e-mail, of course. Phone rings. I see Crafty Daughter’s middle school phone number. It was the school nurse. Crafty Daughter had passed out in homeroom. I asked how…