I rarely travel with just the kids. Our children’s grandparents are local to us. If we do go on vacation, my husband comes with us. I never have the role of the sole parent on a vacation trip. Until two…
Category: holiday
Want to Find a Hotel That Works for You?
If you are traveling to a city by yourself or with kids, you need to know that you have booked in to the right hotel. There is nothing worse than checking in to a hotel that has seen better days.…
Want to Know How I Roll? Read on…
I live, work, and raise my family in the D.C. Metro area. As a 20-year plus resident of the D.C. Metro area, I have visited Washington, D.C., hotels, restaurants, and sites many times with family, friends, and out-of-town guests. I…
I Miss Easter Dresses
Yesterday we dyed eggs. We decided not to attend a neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt as we were at Arundel Mills Mall for my son’s 7th birthday outing and lunch. He chose to have lunch at the Johnny Rockets and visit…
Where Am I This Week?
Let’s start with where I was last week. This week is all aboutĀ recovering from taking the train to New York and flying to and from Houston. New York was awesome. I met a niche toy company. This company have…
Characters at Disney
I’m on a roll with posts… On our first trip to Disney with our kids who were 3 and 5, my husband was thrilled to see the Robin Hood Fox at the entrance to Magic Kingdom. The fox was his…
#mom2summit or I Was Wanded by Security
Let’s start with the bad shall we? I arrived at Houston Hobby with time to spare and then some. I fretted over leaving the conference early, but did not know how many stops the SuperShuttle would take. Turns out Joy…
Does a Teen Need a Birthday Party??
Movies theaters cost an arm and a leg. My teen did not want a birthday party this year. I am very relieved. I offered to host a party for her. We talked about a few ideas. Our top three: A…
Dog Days of Summer Revisited
Summer is but a distant memory. Had to scrape about a 1/2 foot of snow of my van a week or so ago. Drove around a corner just asĀ the snow on my roof slid off. Dreading the next time the…
Review: Nerf-n-Strike Elite Bundle
It was a direct hit. I aimed. I fired. I nailed my target. My target? My then-boyfriiend/now-husband. The location of the hit? The toy aisle at the Gaithersburg Square Toys R Us. My weapon of choice a Nerf Javelin. It…