Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

The Homework Struggle

When my oldest was a kindergartener, homework was a snap. My only issues involved what to do with my youngest. I bought a workbook for the youngest. Both girls “worked” together as I made dinner or cleaned the kitchen. My…

Surviving Girl Scout Camping

Camping is a memory I will have a hard time erasing. The wet. The damp. The bathrooms. The shower! My goodness how could I forget not showering. The floor of the shower was extremely cruddy. No way was I stepping…

Finding Deals in Baltimore

Recently I started looking for deals in Baltimore. I have always kept an eye out for DC deals. I am an equal opportunity visitor. I am as happy in DC as I am Baltimore. As summer approaches, I am equal…

Savvy Source is Here!

I am now hosting the Savvy Source Savings and Scholarships widget. See the box to the left of this post? The widget will show daily deals from select cities throughout the U.S. More cities will be rolled out in the…