Author: Jill Berry
Seizing family time one at a time.
Selling on ebay Is So Much Easier with the Mobile App #ebay
I’m not a hoarder. That said, I do have slight hoarder-like tendencies. I like buying books for myself. Toys and games for the kids. Video games for the family. While I’m a whiz at organizing all that we have on…
Do You Manage the Family Schedule or Does It Manage You? #goodnesstogo
My friend looking at all the papers tacked to my bulletin board said: “Your bulletin board is making me stressed out!’ Me: “Right!?” My friend: “How do you keep track of everything you have going on?” Me: [silence and a…
Holiday Gift Guide: Soothe Dry Skin and Pamper Yourself with Nivea Smooth Sensations #CBias #SocialFabric #HolidayGuide
When I first started writing my blog, I wrote posts about my family’s adventures. At some point in my blogging journey…perhaps 6 months after I started my blog…I began doing product…
Holiday Gift Guide: Disney’s Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two for Kinect #seizingfamilytime
Have I mentioned that I am not a gamer? I’m the one who plays Ms. PacMan once a year and calls it a day. My kids are a different story. A million years — or so it seems — I…
Holiday Gift Guide: Games, Game Systems, Apps, and RC Toys
Do you ever feel that you are constantly outfoxed, outmatched, outwitted, and outplayed by your kids? The rolling of the eyes. The “Uh, Mom I already knew that.” Or the “everyone has known that for months.” Yep, I’m not exactly…
Taking Stock of My Family’s Digital Wellness @Safely #digitalwellness
As the end of the year moves in to view, I’m taking stock. Doing a report card on my family. Getting a picture of what we did this year…how we can improve next year. I’m asking questions. Looking back on…
Turkey Day Traditions
I didn’t grow up eating Thanksgiving Dinner. I was born in the United Kingdom, so it makes sense that traditions in England would be different to America. There is no Thanksgiving Day in England. No turkey or stuffing or pumpkin…
Perfect for Sharing…Hickory Farms Gift Baskets [Giveaway ends 12/2/2012]
Turkey, stuffing, and side dishes is what most love about Thanksgiving. I love all the holiday foods too. I can sink in to a turkey-induced coma as quickly as the next person. However, I am a strategic eater. I gorge…
Meeting Friends on Connecting Flights Is an Unexpected Treat #connectingflights
My husband shakes his head whenever I run in to someone I know. I can’t help it. I have a good memory for faces. A very good memory. If I meet you, I will likely remember you when we next…