Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

A Little Bit of This and That

Musings from me. A something and nothing post. Bulleted items are all I can manage. Nothing is wrong, just getting caught up in reading other people’s blogs while not attending to my own. – Two out of the last three…

Friday Wrapup

I posted over on my continuing journey to lose weight. Today’s topic: Friday Fitness Today I am feeling energized after a phone conversation with Chad from This site has a growing listing of restaurants perfect for families with…

Mom on the Run Chronicles

Ta Da…this blog has a new name. Introducing: Mom on the Run Chronicles I have thought for a while that Writing My Life One Blog at a Time is just too long for a blog title. It summed up what…

Feeding Frenzy Needs to End

I posted over at OurBlubherOverhaul about my weight loss journey. Well, I actually haven’t lost anything as yet. I am talking the talk by exercising, but I am not walking the walk by eating less. In fact I have been…

In Defense of the SAHM

I have found myself defending my at-home status. I have been at home with children since early 1996. In the early days I was a freelance production editor for a health care publisher. I was able to work around my…