I posted over at JessicaKnows about a hat. Yes, a hat. Go on over and check it out.
Author: Jill Berry
Seizing family time one dinner...game night...movie at a time.
Will Blog for Food! or Is Blogging a Job?
Just call me SAHM turned Blogger. I’m not a well-known blogger like JessicaKnows or FireMom. Someday– could I be in the same sentence as these two? Who knows. But, for now… I am a SAHM to three kids. I am…
Parenting Fail
Lately in my tweets and posts, I use the term “Fail” — to describe an unwanted outcome. On twitter I have started my own hashtag #domesticgoddessfail to describe my own feeble attempts at housekeeping and cooking. Believe there will always…
Wednesdays R Us: SledMom
This may or may not be me hurtling down a slope face first on a foam sled. Submitted to Wordless Wednesday, 5 minutes for Mom, The Not-So-Blog Blog, Punky Monkey’s, Wordful Wednesday, Go Graham Go, Moomette’s Mama Mentor Blog, All…
Presenting! Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus and Disney On Ice
When I think of the circus I think of the three rings, acrobats, animals, and of course the elephants. MomCentral and Feld Entertainment have joined forces with RinglingBros and DisneyOnIce to bring you special offers for families to go to…
What To Expect When You Are Expecting: Ultrasounds
I have had three children. With my first child, the ultrasound was eagerly anticipated. We did not find out the sex of the baby. Our anticipation for the u/s was tempered by the fact that we had to see a…
Terrible Twos Are Not So Terrible
For my three children, the terrible twos were a nonevent. I was expecting the worst with my oldest, but never saw it. Now three is a different story. At 2 years old a child can be subdued by moving them…
I Vant To Be Alone — Mommy MeTime
As a mom I value my free time. Although I can never fully relax since I am always thinking/worrying about my children. I’ve never been away by myself — I envy moms who go to a hotel or on a…
A Hat for All Seasons
My folding laundry hat. My cleaning the garage hat. My proud to be an American hat (I became a citizen in the 90s). Have a favorite hat? Post it here. https://flickr.com/photos/33223799@N06/?saved=1
Talk About Tuesday
Let’s talk about my minivan for a moment shall we? The van is much more than a vehicle. Much more than a means of transportation. It is our home on wheels — a family room on wheels if you will.…