Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

Our TV Interview Was Awesome!

My morning was rushed, rushed, and more rushed. Everything went not quite according to plan. Got kids off to school. Check. Got some work done. Check. Cleaned up house for interview. Uncheck. Mapquested directions to dr. office…intended to use GPS…

Chocolate + Spa = Mommy Nirvana

The idea of going to a spa sounds absolutely delightful to me. As a mom of three trying to juggle the family’s activities AND write this blog, review products, and start an at-home writing business, a spa weekend sounds like…

Odd Socks

I’ve twittered about odd socks. I’ve Facebooked about odd socks. I found a post on odd_Socks. And, now I’m blogging about odd socks. Odd socks are the bane of my existence. I should state at the outset that we have…

An Easter Egg Hunting We Will Go!

3-year-olds love hunting for eggs — sometimes they have trouble finding eggs that are “hiding in plain sight”! 3-year-old and 7-year-olds scampering for Easter eggs. Where’s the 10-year-old you might ask? She OPTED out of the Easter egg hunt! She…

Easter Egg Dyeing

Growing up in England…I have no recollection of dyeing Easter eggs. I remember eating chocolate. Giving my sister a Cadbury’s chocolate egg, but not dyeing Easter eggs. So perhaps it is an American tradition. We started dyeing Easter eggs when…

What’s Your Edu-Parent Style?

DreamBox Learning just released a fun interactive quiz that you may enjoy, “What’s Your EDU Parent Style?” The quiz asks a series of questions concerning different teaching situations parents are likely to face. Then, based on your answers it tells…