Author: Jill Berry

Seizing family time one at a time.

Kajeet Prize Pack Giveaway!

Do you know my friend Janine? She twitters as @twincident. She is someone from bloggieland who I met IRL. Yep, I met her for coffee. She told me I would recognize her by her pink laptop case. Pink laptop case…

Musings on Laundry

I posted on Electrolux’s new Eco-Friendly Washer and Dryer, which I would love to win! Don’t forget to plant a flower for a friend. I planted a purple flower with a purple butterfly for a friend who is very earth-conscious…

Small Talk Six: Breakfast Food…Yum!

Small Talk Six Brought to You by Six Favorite Breakfast Foods 1. Pancakes with chocolate chips, but without syrup. 2. Yogurt. 3. Chocolate — Chocolate croissants, chocolate chip pancakes, chocolate milk… 4. Anything Mexican — omelette, frittata — the…