Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda

This was one of those days where I was basically nonproductive while James was in school…I drank coffee, made a few phone calls, read, and then fell asleep. Not a good use of 2.5 hours, but really I guess no one but me even noticed or asked what I did this morning. Now this afternoon was a different story. I was Ms. Productivity. I fed James lunch, had him write his upper case letters (did not know he could do this without tears and so well), did laundry, took all decorations/boxes to the basement, and vacuumed. All in all a good day. Oh, I almost forgot I baked muffins with James and made a cake…who am I and what have I done with the real Jill!

The baking was for our mother/daughter book club. Sadly, we were the only attendees. Oh well, at least our snack commitment is done for the year!

It’s late…the dishes are still in the sink…I will tackle tomorrow in the a.m. I still need to resolve this whole skiing fiasco. Husband is not enthusiastic about going. My parents are giving me a hard time about my decisions in different ways.

On a positive note….11 going on 12 turns 12 on Saturday at 1:19 a.m.! We are having ten friends over on Friday night for movie night. Not sure we have enough planned for the party….I may have to unearth some craft kits.

I guess I should call her 12 from now on…maybe Girl12. Sounds a bit alien and unemotional, but then again that is kind of who I am…well not the alien part at least.

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