Why I Blog.

So, I’ve been a-bloggin‘ since the fall of 2008. As my son started his school journey with kindergarten, I embarked on the uncharted territory of blogging. A new chapter for both of us.

For my dreaded graphics class, I had to update a blog for my design projects. I started a person family-type blog at the same time. I was so out-of-sorts when the design class ended that I let both blogs go.

In September after a lot of wondering and soul-searching I set out to find a way to put the graphics class behind me. I’ve always loved writing, but mainly I read other people’s writing. I started writing on a daily basis — Thank you, NaBloPoMo! I developed a sense of what I wanted to write…funny sometimes, work-a-day entries somedays, vents and rants other days. You see that is the great thing about blogging you can do what you want when you want.

So, I’ve got the twittering, the FaceBook, the blog, the guest posting, but what about the earning of the dinero? I’ve found one paid blogging site — love it. If you hear of anyone wanting to pay me to write for them, send them my way!

On my search for paid blogging I’ve found many many product reviewer opportunities. Daily it seems I have products coming that I review, post about, and then publicize on twitter, FB, and through other blogs. I have reviewed a V-tech KidiJamz keyboard, JumpStart Adventures game, Yoursphere.com, candles, air freshener, eco-friendly shampoo, and the list goes on and on. I host giveaways too. PR peeps if you need a product reviewer, I’m your mommy blogger avec child, preteen, and teen. Seriously I cover all bases!

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