From left: the preteen, the kid, and the teen with a Tower of London Beefeater
I’m not sure when I first heard the term blog or blogging. 2007? I do know that I started my first blog in 2008 as part of a graduate design class. I wrote about interesting commericals, print ads, and movies I had observed as part of the design class. While writing my “blog that counted as part of my grade,” I started a family blog. I intended to write the blog as an online journal, but my class was so time-consuming that I only posted once or twice.
First, some basics:
What is a blog? — A blog is an online journal. You can write anything that you choose — favorite recipes, your child’s achievements, the family Christmas photo, etc. You can post photos or not.
Where can I get a blog? — Go to https://www.blogger.com. Sign up for a FREE account using your e-mail address.
I don’t have money to pay for a blog! — A blog is FREE if hosted on blogger.com. If you decide to stick with blogging you can buy your own domain name and choose to host it somewhere else. When you pay for a blog, you have more freedom over the design of your blog.
But, a blog is so complicated, how will I be able to use it? — Blogger is easy to use. There are templates that you can use. You can personalize your blog with themes. Sign up, create a blog, and see what fun you can have!
Who will read my blog? — If you start a blog on blogger.com, your blog will be searchable through search engines, like Google and Bing. You may not want this if you are posting details about your family or photos. If you want a greater level of privacy, choose the privacy setting when you set up your blog.
How will I let people know I have a blog? — You could e-mail the blog url to friends and family. You can add the blog address to your Facebook page profile. I add my blog address to the signature line in my e-mails.
What is a blog url? — The url is the address of the website. My blog url is https://www.musingsfromme.com The title of my blog is Musings from Me on Kids, Preteens, and Teens.
I blog/write about my family, but I also review products and host giveaways. Last week I gave away a family 4-pack of tickets to Disney on Ice. Later this fall I will be giving away a few of the hottest toys for the 2009 holiday season. Check back for details!
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