Disclosure: This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Payoff, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #payoffmindset #whatsyourpayoff https://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV
Debt free? Seems like a pipe dream, doesn’t it? With one kid in college, one in private school, and all three kids in a myriad of activities, having no debt whatsoever seems like an outlandish idea. Or is it? Could we be debt free?
We’re always saving…for retirement…for tuition…for vacations. Could we save more? Could we pay down our debt faster? We own our own home. We’ve paid off the cars. We don’t take expensive vacations. We do spend a lot on our kids’ sports and activities…volleyball, swimming, soccer, Boy Scouts, cello, and more. We live off the beaten path so eat out only occasionally and rarely go on expensive date nights. We never take weekend getaways. My husband and I see a movie every month or two…see friends for dinner twice a year. We are hardly high rollers. Is becoming debt free closer than we think? We desperately want…need…to explore the possibility and work towards eliminating debt.
I know we can trim. And in fact, my husband and I were already trimming the budget by the end of 2014. But we can do better. He’s great about bringing lunches to work, which saves money. He mostly bought frozen food items in bulk to take to work. Now, he takes leftovers. He even bought a toaster oven for his office. He’s a school administrator so can’t leave his school campus at lunch. I have drastically cut back on my Starbucks and McDonald’s coffee pit stops. I’m in my minivan A LOT. I drive a school carpool and log many hours on the road. Instead stopping for coffee, I make my own. I’m not a black coffee drinker. I have to have my coffee sweet, so I purchased a few flavored k-cups for my Keurig. Now I drink flavored coffee brewed at home and save money by not stopping. Baby steps.
We can’t do this alone. I certainly need financial guidance from experts. Experts who will help me find ways to pay down my credit card debt. I recently heard that Payoff could help me. I was intrigued and needed to learn more. So I tested out Payoff.com. I gave Payoff a test run. Now if you know me, you know that I can’t just write about something without doing my research. There’s a reason why I spend time…lots of time at times…writing my blogs posts. I want to be informative. I don’t want to give incomplete, or inaccurate information, to you, my readers.
Payoff.com wants to empower people, like me and you, to become more financially healthy and live their dreams. I can ABSOLUTELY stand behind this principle. As you know, I am all about Seizing Family Time and living my family’s dreams. Now, Payoff.com is not a loan company. Instead, Payoff.com evaluates your credit card information and debt before providing you with a variety of offers. You select the offer that works for you and your family to pay down your credit card debt.
I found Payoff.com very easy to use. Shortly after entering my debt information, I received an email for Payoff.com with loan options. It was truly that simple and straightforward. Payoff.com allows you to consolidate your credit card bills in to one monthly payment so that you can pay off debt faster. Thanks to Payoff.com I have a #payoffmindset about my family’s financial future.
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