Tag: memories

Finding Time in the Family Schedule

You look at the schedule. You gaze at it hoping to find an opening.  An open space. A small corner where an activity can squeeze in. After a bit you realize that tweaking won’t work. Rearranging activities won’t work. Looking…

Pets? In My House?

The boy finally gets a pet! I didn’t grow up with pets. Well, I won a fishie or two from the local fair. You know the fishies that you put in a small glass bowl. When you are a little…

Celebrating the Grad @DaveandBusters

In England there are no graduation celebrations. At least not for anyone below college age. I don’t recall anyone making a big deal of graduation until college graduation. Traditions may have changed somewhat in England, but back when I was…

Wordless Wednesday: Pirates!

I always plan to post a Wordless Wednesday, but when do I remember that I need to post? Thursday, of course! I’m either late or early for next week. Better late than never…my Wordless Wednesday…our Pirate Adventure in Ocean City,…