My son is all boy. I don’t know why this surprises me so much. Except that he has two older sisters. With his sisters I was extremely careful not to say that a toy was a boy toy or girl…
Tag: Family
Kiddie Activities: Worth It?
Just moments after clicking the payment button for my daughter’s swim team registration, I read a blogpost on spending money on kiddie activities. The post was on the Wells Fargo blog. Talk about an apropos post! You see I spend…
I’m Not as Young as I Used To Be #Snomee1
Blisters. Chafed thighs from a wet swimsuit. Sore lefts from walking up and down stairs. And no I didn’t do a hike or go on a nature trail. But I did get a workout of sorts at an amusement park.…
A Lady Does-ny Stuff Her Gob! #Brave
Every so often a movie comes around that piques my interest. I start wondering when the movie will come out. I see the trailer and laugh out loud. I count the days (almost) until the movie comes out. Brave was…
Skip Cooking, Get Dinner from @KFC_Colonel [Giveaway]
I’m not a good cook. Don’t let the apron in the photo fool you. Before you say “but, surely you exaggerate?” No, really. I’m a horrible cook. In 22 years of marriage, my husband has said the following words to…
I’m a Don’t Sweat Mom! #DontSweatMoms
I’m sure you have heard people say don’t sweat the small stuff? Both the book and more likely, the phrase. In fact the full title of the book is Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…and it’s all small stuff. Because, like…
Celebrating the Grad @DaveandBusters
In England there are no graduation celebrations. At least not for anyone below college age. I don’t recall anyone making a big deal of graduation until college graduation. Traditions may have changed somewhat in England, but back when I was…
Green Works Gives Back
Drawing inspiration from nature, artist Mr. Kiji used Green Works cleaners as the medium to create murals in a mundane underpass in Silver Lake, with the hope that the unexpected art exhibit illustrates that cleaning can be beautiful and inspires…
Feast Yer Eyes! #BraveCarsLandEvent
One of our favorite family pastimes is movies. Watching ’em at home. Road tripping to a movie. Even getting an invite to one of those oh-so-fun-I-saw-it-first screenings. Heck, I’d even watch a movie on our rickety car DVD with the…
Wordless Wednesday: Pirates!
I always plan to post a Wordless Wednesday, but when do I remember that I need to post? Thursday, of course! I’m either late or early for next week. Better late than never…my Wordless Wednesday…our Pirate Adventure in Ocean City,…