When I agreed to do a Zhu Zhu Pets party for my daughter’s birthday, I had no idea how huge the ZhuZhu pets craze would be. In fact, I had not even heard of the toys when I signed up.
The toys were actually called something else back in the summer — “Go Go Pets.” When I agreed to host the party I was told the name had just changed to Zhu Zhu pets. It’s not like me to be cutting edge on anything…I’m a kind of a day late and a dollar short sort of person. But with the Zhu Zhu Pets I was in the thick of it.
The box from MomSelect was huge. I had already told the chidlren that the toys were for all of us to share. The party was for the 10-year-old — she’s a huge toy lover still.
What were the reactions from the Musings from Me family? The kid was super interested and positively jumping around with anticipation. The preteen was raring to set up the Zhu Zhu Pets world. The teen maintained her distance and registered little interest until…
I opened the box and all of a sudden the teen was hovering and eager to open it all! It was a huge selection: the Fun House set, the garage, the add-on hamster wheel, the add-on garage, spiral slide with ramp, and much more. It was a very generous set of toys.
In addition to the playset, we received enough Zhu Zhu Pets hamsters to give one to each of our guests while keeping one for each of our children. Great party favor. As I said it was an extremely wonderful way to start the party going!
On the day of the party the Zhu Zhu Pets were played with by a couple of different age groups: my children played with their cousins and then the preteen’s friends arrived to play. Later in the week, the teen had a sleepover for her friends…and you guessed it the Zhu Zhu Pets were a hit again. I’ve said it before teens can be an enigma…you never know what will appeal to them.
Zhu Zhu Pets flew off the shelves and now are extremely hard to find. A twitter party a week ago was a first where moms AND kids participated. My kids had homework that night. I’m sorry that kids might be disappointed on Christmas morning since Zhu Zhu Pets are extremely hard to find. I told mine not to ask Santa for accessories — the preteen and teen know, but keep up the Santa story for the kid!
I wish I could do a giveaway for my readers. Maybe in 2010?
I was given Zhu Zhu Pets playsets, accessories, and Zhu Zhu Pets by MomSelect for use at my daughter’s birthday party.