Review: True Lemon

true-lemonI saw a tweet about @truelemon and my head spun around really fast. What was this? A product? It sounded so good and refreshing. Or was it a really creative twitter name? I had no idea, so I clicked to see what it was all about. Twitter is very clickable…you wouldn’t believe the people, places, and products I have found by clicking hither, thither, and yon — love using this phrase by the way.

When I clicked on @truelemon, I wasn’t disappointed. TrueLemon is a local-to-me company — Baltimore, Maryland. A nice person asked me via twitter if I wanted a sample to try. I could not wait to see what the product was. My 13 yo — the first of the school bus thus the chief mailgetter — ripped open the package and squealed with excitement. Now I know that 13 yo are too cool to squeal, but this kid appreciates a free sample like her mom!

From the website… TrueLemon has a fresh squeezed citrus taste that is as simple as a tear of a packet or a shake of a bottle thanks to True Lemon, True Lime, and True Orange, the original crystallized citrus fruits, in packets and shakers.

Each packet of True Lemon, True Lime, and True Orange contains:

• Consistent fresh citrus taste
• 100% all natural ingredients
• 0 calories, 0g carbohydrates, 0g sugars
• No artificial sweeteners
• No preservatives or sodium
• 25% of an adult’s daily Vitamin C requirements

I would highly recommend this product. I have not cooked with it yet, but I have added the True Lemon, True Lime, and True Orange to bottles of water. I took one on my walk around the neighborhood. Let me tell you it is mmm, mmm good. Refreshing and convenient. I’m not a huge water drinker, so find myself needing to add a flavor. True Lemon was the answer to my “thirsty” problem. When my 6 yo was a toddler he would say he had a “thirsty problem” rather than that he needed a drink.

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