Refresh: Pepsi Gives Back

The earthquake in Haiti was so tragic. I know this is stating the obvious. But, it bears repeating. The devastation of the earthquake led to tragic loss of life and damage to the infrastructure of Haiti. The loss of life is irreconciliable. The fact that the country was in poor physical condition to begin with is doubly tragic. Haiti might never fully recover from this earthquake.

I heard a shocking statistic on CNN…there are many people in Haiti who may never see a doctor in their lifetime. When I think of the number of times I have taken kids to the doctor for colds, sore throats, or minor injuries, I realize how lucky I am to have health care…a roof over my head…food and water…basic and not-so-basic necessities of human life.

From the economic crash and unending news of job loss to this month’s tragic events in Haiti, as a nation and from family to family we are focusing on ways to give back to the community. Whether global events or those affecting our friends or neighbors directly, I’m amazed at my kids’ eagerness to get involved and help out. My 6-year-old counted out money from our family change tin. My preteen told me about a collection in the lunchroom at her school…so many kids added money that they needed a new bucket!

Pepsi Refresh LogoThis year, Pepsi can help make their – and your friends’ and families’ – ideas happen with the Pepsi Refresh Project. Through the Pepsi Refresh Project, Pepsi will give away more than $20 million dollars to fund projects – both big and small – that help make communities better.

The company invested significant resources, and opted not to advertise at the Superbowl this year, in order to support meaningful social engagement. Whether a local playground needs an upgrade to make it more handicapped accessible; a park needs new lights or speed bumps to make it safer; or your favorite library needs new computers, Pepsi wants to hear what needs they can help fulfill for you and your community.

Message for Musings from Me readers! Each month, you have the opportunity to submit a project in one of six categories: health, arts & culture, food & shelter, the planet, neighborhood, or education. Then, at the end of the month, Pepsi will post the top submissions on their website and let the public vote on who should win grants ranging from $5,000 to $250,000 (totaling up to $1.3 million dollars!).

You can get involved in the Pepsi Refresh Project in two ways beginning February 1. If you and your family have a fantastic idea for an improvement you’d like to see in your community, submit it for consideration for the March round of grants. You can also visit and vote for your favorite submissions for February’s grants. With so many fun creative, unique and meaningful ways to give back, we think it’s fantastic Pepsi wants to help.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Pepsi Refresh. Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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