As a blogger I am in the unique position of being able to influence my readers. Not only do I get the chance to talk to my readers about the brands I love, which they might enjoy finding out about, but I get to reach out to my network both online and offline. Here’s where brands come in.
BlogHer is less than a month away. I’m going. As a blogger at the largest women’s blogging conference, I will be in the unique position of meeting, greeting, chatting to, and getting to know moms who blog. Those moms who blog are major purchasers in the marketplace. As a representative of your brand at BlogHer, I will get the word out about your product, service, or site — old or new.
I am known as someone who is in the know. If you want to know who teaches 2nd grade, ask me. If you want to know about the best parties at BlogHer, ask me. My sphere of influence reaches from the PTA at my childrens’ schools to Twitter and Facebook.
Speaking of influence, let’s talk numbers. My main twitter account @MusingsfromMe has 8300 followers. I have three other accounts with a total of 3000 followers. On Facebook — Jill Richardson Berry — has 1250 friends. On the Facebook page for my blog — Musings from Me on Kids, Preteens, and Teens — I have almost 500 followers. My blog has a PR rank of 4, an Alexa of around 300,000, and I have a Klout score of 65.
Let me get the word out about your company at BlogHer and after through my social media influence both online and offline. Contact me at