Holiday Gift Guide: HTC Status’ One Touch Facebook Share [Giveaway]

Ever watched your child perform at the winter concert and forget to share those precious moments with family and friends who couldn’t attend? You may be too enthralled by your child’s performance to worry about posting to Facebook. No matter,…

Holiday Gift Guide: KRE-O Transformers Sentinel Prime Set [Giveaway]

The changing forms. The deep, radio announcer-like voice. The shape shifting from car to robot and robot to car. Until I saw the first Transformers movie, I truly did not “get” the whole Transformers robots thing. The TV show seemed…

Holiday Gift Guide: Lego Duplo Jams App

Music calms the savage beast…uh…I mean baby. If you have every sat in a car with a squalling crying baby for a long trip you will feel my pain. As the navigator-not-the-driver-on-family-trips, I am the designated hitter with any crises…