I’m baaack. This week has been a killer. My graduate class is a killer. My assignment for this week is a killer. Basically, I am sitting here when I should be finishing my project. I am the queen of procrastination.…
5th Birthday!
Well, the fifth birthday celebrations are at an end. He had lots of fun the last two weeks while he celebrated his birthday. His birthday was April 3. We celebrated his party over several days/weeks. -On April 2, the day…
Repeat After Me "Update Your Blog"
O.K. I need to get to a point where I update every day, because when I leave updating for a bit I forget exactly what happened when. Oh well, I will try better next time. I am on the computer…
A post at last
O.K. I need to get my act together and post more than one every three weeks. Lots goes on here at the old homestead. I spent lots of time on the computer. Yet I don’t post everyday. I need to…
Back in the swing of things
I think I may have solved–temporarily–my time management problems. I have this problem with multitasking. I am either a full-time stay-at-home mom or I am a part-time graduate student. Now when I am a grad student, I still have all…
Just Something Silly
My Peculiar Aristocratic English Title is (real name removed to protect the innocent): My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: Milady the Most Honourable ??? the Dissolute of Similar Ealand Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title Anyway, so I am back. I have…