I have had three children. With my first child, the ultrasound was eagerly anticipated. We did not find out the sex of the baby. Our anticipation for the u/s was tempered by the fact that we had to see a…
Terrible Twos Are Not So Terrible
For my three children, the terrible twos were a nonevent. I was expecting the worst with my oldest, but never saw it. Now three is a different story. At 2 years old a child can be subdued by moving them…
I Vant To Be Alone — Mommy MeTime
As a mom I value my free time. Although I can never fully relax since I am always thinking/worrying about my children. I’ve never been away by myself — I envy moms who go to a hotel or on a…
A Hat for All Seasons
My folding laundry hat. My cleaning the garage hat. My proud to be an American hat (I became a citizen in the 90s). Have a favorite hat? Post it here. https://flickr.com/photos/33223799@N06/?saved=1 Share on FacebookPost on XFollow usSave
Talk About Tuesday
Let’s talk about my minivan for a moment shall we? The van is much more than a vehicle. Much more than a means of transportation. It is our home on wheels — a family room on wheels if you will.…
Yanni’s Voices — Airs March 2 on PBS
I posted a week or two ago about how surprised I was that I liked Yanni’s Voices so much. Well, I’m back to let you know that the Yanni’s Voices special will premiere on PBS starting March 2. Check here…