As a country dweller, not a day goes by when I don’t see a dead animal beside the road. Sometimes I see the same animal for days. The same animal getting smaller as birds peck at it. The same animal…
Scary Phone Call
Kids were eating breakfast. Crafty Daughter was at school. I was checking e-mail, of course. Phone rings. I see Crafty Daughter’s middle school phone number. It was the school nurse. Crafty Daughter had passed out in homeroom. I asked how…
Digital Mom Today Show Style
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Are you a digital mom? I would have to say that I am. I reach out to people in bloggie land by asking questions, asking for comments, and…
Disconnected from Internet Again! and Lived to Tell the Tale
I’m baaaaccckk after 13 hours at a volleyball tournament. It was gruelling, I tell you, absolutely gruelling. Not that I did anything remotely strenuous. No, not me. I sat in a chair or walked about outside or walked about inside.…
Tweet If You Don’t Own a Laptop, Blackberry, or iphone
I’d rather be blogging than searching for my daughter’s black shorts that she needs for tomorrow’s volleyball tournament. I’d rather be twittering than making sandwiches for tomorrow’s volleyball tournament. I’d rather be staying up late to watch a movie than…
Friday Fitness — Sledding with the Family
Monday was a snow day — a blessing in disguise. A break from the hectic schedule of school, activities, homework. My husband even stayed home…woo hoo…this never happens unless it is a snow day or he is sick. One of…