My first blogging event ever! I was invited to visit the General Mills kitchens and sample new GM products. I was honored to attend with a group of mommy bloggers who blog about raising their kids, saving money, finding the…
Should 2-Year-Olds Go to Preschool?
Another comment that turned in to a blogpost…not that I am long-winded or anything like that. I responded to a comment over here about preschool and should kids go to preschool. Let’s just start by saying that I think, children should…
Back-to-School Giveaways from MomCentral
Back-to-School makes me think of different images from the different times in my life. MomCentral is offering a Gift Guide to help you with your back-to-school needs. For me back-to-school means trying to figure out which school I was in at…
School Year’s Eve…Better Late than Never
Happy School Year’s Eve! I know I’m a little late with this post, but a few things got in the way like the actual preparation for the first day of school and a blogger event that you might have heard…
Musings on Calming the Savage Kindergartener
Another of my “I left a long-winded comment on someone’s blog post so I may as well turn it into a blog post.” Yep, it’s a copout, but at least I get a post out of it. Does your kindergartener comes…
Review: Word Girl New Episodes for Fall…A Sneak Peak
WordGirl makes me smile. Who can resist plucky Becky Botsford? She’s a preteen you know — I know a thing or two about ten-year-olds. Becky defeats villains with superpowers and a super vocabbulary. Each episode highlights several words. This technique…