Must See Attractions in DC with Preteens and Teens

When the children were young a trip to D.C. was a no-brainer. The zoo or the Museum of Natural History were our top picks. When my son was born we widened our net to include sights that every person living near D.C.…

Dove’s Thank You for Making a Difference — A Must for Preteen and Teen Girls

As the mom of a preteen AND a teen girl I am amazed at how much girls are influenced by negative talk and ads. Just one comment from a friend or frenemy(!) about their outfit, looks, or weight, and a girls’ attitude…

Musings on Thanksgiving

As a former foreigner, I now claim Thanksgiving as a my holiday. As a child Thanksgiving was celebrated intermittently. When in America, do as the Americans do. As a freshman in college, far away from home I was taken in…