I’m busy! All the time! I know I am not the first and nor will I be the last mom to utter these words. Busyness is a given with moms. Period. One kid? Two kids? Three or more kids? It…
Picking Winners!
Hosting giveaways is fun…hard work, but fun. Picking and contacting winners is pure joy. I have never told a winner in person, but from the e-mails back to me I can tell that 99.9% of winners are thrilled to win.…
How Is Your Life Different to Your Tween/Teen’s Life?
When I was a tween or teen… Do you ever think back to when you were a tween or a teen? How different was your young adulthood when you compare it to your daughter or son? Were you a tween…
Do You Remember Completing the 2000 Census?
I wrote a post over at my Baltimore Parenting Tweens Examiner site on the 2010 Census. I listed tips on how to explain the U.S. census to your tween. It got me thinking… I don’t remember completing the 2000 Census.…
Helping Teens Deal with Illness
I posted this as a response to a mom on the Momster Facebook page. The mom recently had major surgery. Her daughter did not visit her in the hospital and has not spoken to her mom since she got home.…
What Kind of a Mom Are You?
Cozi posed a question on Facebook. What Kind of a Mom Are You? Here’s my answer: I”m none of the above, but a little of three. I am a nontechie Chief Technology Officer who likes gadgets as long as they…