With two grandmothers who died from breast cancer, National Breast Cancer Awareness month is somber for me. I did not know my father’s mother. My mother’s mother was a sweet lady who was felled by the ravages of breast cancer.…
Portrait Session: Let Your Teen/Tween Make a Statement
When children are young, taking photos is relatively easy. Most children will smile naturally when asked to by the photographer. Once the tween/teen years hit, many children become self-conscious about having their photos taken. A good photographer can put your…
Kraftmaid: Define Your Style
In our house the kitchen is the hub of all family activities. It is not huge. It certainly has architectural issues. For instance I cannot open the fridge door all the way. But, it is our meeting spot for homework.…
“Get it done” v. “Make it fun”: Cooking for Your Family
I’m not what you would call a “domestic goddess.” My house is not spotless. My kids always have clean cloths, but…just not the clothes they want to wear. “Put the shirt on…it looks fine! is a common statement from me…
Ford’s Theatre: History in Action
“Seeing D.C. for the fresh eyes.” — this sums up my new task of blogging about D.C. sightseeing hot spots for Oyster.com. I am seeing all of them with fresh eyes. Looking at the venue with an eye for how…
My Night @FordsTheatre
Sabrina is full of life. Wet Wednesdays are humdrum in our house. Dinner. Homework. Music practice. Reading. Math facts. Sports practices. Blah. Kids. Blah. Kids. Blah. Except that every so often I get a chance to do something very grownup…