The dingy walls. The fraying carpet. The mismatched craft supplies. The beaten up teacher’s desk. If you have a child in school, you know exactly what I am talking about. About 5 years ago, my children’s elementary school had a…
Surviving and Living
Last week was quite a week. Last week was the second week of school…it felt like week 40. No honeymoon period for us. We are full tilt in to the whole school thing. Volleyball practice. One of the kids made…
Getting All MacGyver with It
I’m your man…uh…mom….I mean woman for the job. As a mom of 3, I entered the blogosphere late…very late. My youngest was already 5 years old. Can you say scramble? That’s right I had to scramble and race and forage…
Clothes to Fit Your Size? Yes! [Review]
On the rack. Off the peg. Fits like a glove. Stylish. These are all terms that make me think of fashion. I would dearly love to get all “Project Runway” when shopping for clothes. I’d love to “Make it work”…
Tween Style…Is That Normal?
A friend asked about my tween’s knee socks. The knee socks are bright. And by bright I mean neon. Sometimes striped. Often with a repeating pattern of frogs or Nemo fish. The socks could be argyle or plaid. But, for…
Kindergarten, Preschool, Work… Where Were You? 9/11
It was an ordinary Tuesday morning. Nothing out of the ordinary… I woke up after my husband left for his teaching job at as local high school. Once up, I woke up my 5- and 3-year-olds for school. Breakfast, teeth brushing,…