Musings on Middle School

musingsbuttonblueborderI’ll have 2 middle school girls as of Monday. I hope I live to tell the tale! I have a 6th grader and an 8th grader. Pray for me.

I sat through the middle school orientation today. I’ve done this before so why was I the only one taking notes? Why was I tense when the loud spekaer announced what class my incoming 6th grader was moving to in her mock day.

Which brings me to…

Frustrations with middle school girls:
– the friend drama — an off-hand comment can turn a birthday party in to a sob fest.
– self-centeredness — this is the age where a group of girls can all be sitting together but talking about entirely different subjects. Narcissistics R Us
– pettiness — just got back from a middle school orientation where we were told to tell ur kids not to share locker combinations with a friend.
– friend today, frenemy tomorrow — tifs and fights and squabbles change friendship groups from one moment to the next
– the popular crowd — not a good group to be in. Too much drama.
– Keeping up with the Jones’ — It’s hard for kids to create an identity for themselves when they start wanting to copy the popular or rich kid crowd. Takes some time for kids to be themselves.
– Hollister, Abercrombie, etc. — Skimpy tees and shorts in threadbare fabric so loved by boys and girls alike.

Want to hear more of my rants on preteens? It’s not only my blog where I rant!

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