Money, Money, Money Makes the World Go Round

Money! Can’t live with it, but can’t live without it. We need money to live, to survive, to have fun, to function. But, money can cause problems. Right?

Have you ever loaned someone money? It can get awkward can’t it? I know that I have never loaned anyone a huge amount of money. I’ve let people borrow money for lunch or coffee. Nothing big. But, back in my early 20s a good friend talked about needing to borrow money.

I was caught off guard. My friend was going through a hard time — I won’t go in to details as it is not my story to blog about — and needed to borrow some money. I was a young married person. No kids, but a newly purchased townhouse to upkeep. I was conflicted. On the one hand I wanted to help my friend, but on the other hand my money was also my husband’s money. We had one bank account for savings and one of checking. I earned less than my husband, but still considered all money as jointly owned. I could not very well ask my husband to make a loan to a friend when we needed the money to pay the mortgage and other bills. As I say I was conflicted. In the end my friend never officially asked so I never had to make a decision. But, I still wonder what I would do if it happened again.

 The JuiceBox on my sidebar is full of money this week. (an awesome and free way to manage AND SAVE your money online) is the sponsor. Saving money is obviously near and dear to my heart here on this blog, and I’m excited to see that JuiceBoxJungle has added an ecard which you can send right from the widget to tell a friend how and where you saved money online. Please feel free to pick your favorite deal on this page right now and email it to a friend! You’ll help them and help me gain new readers!

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