Well, I guess I am not the daily blogging type. Last night I slept for a while, watched TV for too long, then messed around on the computer, and then went to bed. Did not find time to update.
Oh well, today is another day…
Quite honestly I have been so preoccupied by family strife, not my family of five, but my parents and sister. I agreed to go skiing and now I am regretting the decision. Jim did not want to go in the first place as I do not get a long well with my brother-in-law…he is a difficult, patronizing person to be around. My sister has issues as well. My parents well I don’t mind going away with them, besides the fact my father can make me feel like a child in some situations. So basically, I should not go on vacation with my family. And further more I spend too much time as it is with family. For instance, Christmas was 10 ten days and we spend Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and one other day with my family and Christmas Day and one other day with Jim’s family…it was just too much time. We need and want to spend time at home in our pajamas. Adding other people to the mix is not conducive to having a good time.