I found an outstanding resource this week. I saw this list of “parenting your teen” websites on https://connectwithyourteens.blogspot.com/ Go to website for complete list.
1. The Teen Coach Blog
2. Parent Empowerment
3. Radical Parenting
4. Parent-Teen.com
5. Parenting Teens Online
6. Parenting My Teen
7. Please Stop the Rollercoaster!
8. Parenting Teens Resource Network
9. iParenting: Preteen & Teen Channel
10. Suite 101 – Parenting Teens
In honor of Mother’s Day, Oliver’s Labels is offering 10% percent off all its items through May 10th. This is the perfect gift for Mom, so that Mom doesn’t have to spend extra time searching for missing items. Go to https://www.oliverslabels.com/ to see the selection of labels. Labels can be imprinted with your child’s name, a cute design (see website for selection), and a tracking number. If your item goes missing and it is found, the finder can log on to the Oliver’s Label site with the tracking code. Oliver’s Labels will contact you about the missing item.
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