New from my Oyster Locals Blog… Following your teen around the International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C. — About six years ago, my teen was all about spies. She lived and breathed spies. She was a spy for Halloween. Her…
Category: Moms
All things for moms all the time
Getting to Know Me: Part 1
For those new to Musings from Me…. How did I start blogging anyway? I started two blogs in January 08. I was required to respond to graphic design elements, artistic style, and ads for a graphic design and writing graduate…
Are You in Control of Your Kid’s Cellphone?
A recent New York Times blog by Tara Parker-Pope, focused on when kids should get cell phones. I heartily agree with the author’s point that a cell phone is not a right. My kids know that if they misbehave or…
Is Screen Time Killing Reading Time for Our Kids?
I Can Read! Books Become an I Can Read! Member I posted recently about my worry that the plethora of tech gadgets available to kids stops kids from reading. Do you see your child staring at a screen and wonder…
Facebook: The Teen Meeting Place
Teen drama will never change. Kids who were best friends in September tire of each other by March. In April everything is hunky dory again only to falter once the school year ends. And then there is the summer. Teen…
Musings on Play: Stay Safe in the Summer
We may not be hikers or outdoorsy people, but we stay active. Teen and preteen play volleyball. Kid plays lacrosse. All three kids are on the swim team. Dad is in a volleyball league. Mom — even I — works…
What Age Did Your Child Sit Still AND Watch a Movie in the Movie Theater?
I posted this response over at @MomSpark Forum in answer to the question in the title of this post. Add your first experience in a movie theater over @MomSpark Forum not on this post. — We had a few AWFUL…
Phases of My Children’s Development I Don’t Miss
My kids are 7, 11, and 14. Life chugs along. Some days are frantic. Some days are slow. Never dull. Always a challenge. My children still surprise me. Still frustrate me. Still inspire me to be the best mom/person that…
Meeting People Who Care About #OnlineSafety
This blogging gig is amazing. From the new friends to the review products to the relationships made with brands — everything is good. My fave part above everything else is attending events for causes near and dear to me. I…
Two Things for You…
A brief entry for tonight… Tired after driving kids hither, thither, and yon. Exhausted from swim team time trials. Invigorated from fab dinner with friends. You all know that I am passionate about online safety and I promote Yoursphere to…